Tony (Nick Pickard) is delighted to find that Jacqui (Clare Cooper) has invited Tessie (Sian Foulkes) and Harry (Daniel Seymour) for tea. It gets awkward when Jacqui is left alone with Tessie and Harry and Tony dashes off to help Dom (John Pickard) out. Jacqui later admits to Tony that him having a child is too hard for her, and that he has a decision to make: her or Harry. Gilly (Anthony Quinlan) is gutted to find Beth (Sinead Moynihan) is off limits when he asks Rhys (Andrew Moss) if he can take her out.When Calvin (Ricky Whittle) makes a move on Beth, Rhys lashes out but Beth puts Rhys in his place and he's left looking the fool. O.B. (Darren Jeffries) is overjoyed to discover Max (Matt Littler) has hired Summer (Summer Strallen) to work in MOBs but makes clear to Calvin and Danny (David Judge) that she's out of bounds with a small white lie. Tina (Leah Hackett) and Pete (Richard Cambridge) arrange to have a drink so Pete can brief her on the rest of the staff. Tina gushes about how much she's enjoying her new career to her amused colleague and ignores her phone as Dom tries to contact her.

Dom's had enough when Tina returns home and continues to whitter on about Pete.

Writer: Barry Woodward; Dir: Martin Gooch; Prod Co: Lime

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