

Thursday 2nd April 2009

Riled by Anita (Saira Choudhry) and Newt's (Nico Mirallegro) public display of affection, Lauren (Dominique Jackson) pretends to be too scared to go in to school because of the bullies.

After a relaxed evening together, a tipsy Sarah (Loui Batley) admits to Lydia (Lydia Kelly) that she may have led her on the night before.

Amy (Ashley Slanina-Davies) agrees to Josh's (Sonny Flood) demand to ban Ste (Kieron Richardson) from the birth of their baby. And Kris (Gerard McCarthy) is pleasantly surprised when Ravi (Stephen Uppal) turns up at his door. Dir: Mickey Jones; Writer: Jessica Lea; Prod Co: Lime

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