Danny (David Judge) wakes up with Mercedes (Jennifer Metcalfe) in his bed and is instantly hit by a wave of regret.

Hannah (Emma Rigby) confronts Darren (Ashley Taylor Dawson) over his scam with Mercedes.

Finding Danny, Darren explains that he never slept with Hannah and Danny quickly realises that he's been stitched up by Mercedes.

Newt (Nico Mirallegro) catches Eli (Marc Silcock) stealing the takings from The Dog and warns him that enough is enough.

Lauren (Dominique Jackson) can't understand why Newt can't stand up to Eli and begins to get a little concerned for her friend.

Newt (Nico Mirallegro) orders Eli to return the money but Eli overpowers him and disappears.

Dir: Mickey Jones; Writer: Barry Woodward; Prod Co: Lime