Overexcited by news that Tina (Leah Hackett) is pregnant, Jacqui (Claire Cooper) is already thinking of names and schools for the baby. She is so excited that Tony's (Nick Pickard) reservations do little to dampen her spirits. When Tina confides to him that he is everything to her, Dom (John Pickard) makes an ultimatum that is sure to tear them apart again: it's either him or the baby. Russ (Stuart Manning) advises Nancy (Jessica Fox) to ignore Jake's (Kevin Sacre) comments about the sketches when he catches her trying to get rid of them. Carmel (Gemma Merna) thinks it is a bad omen when the blender dies on her as she is trying to make a food supplement in preparation for her fitness test to get into the police force. As it all gets too much for Carmel, she reveals to Calvin (Ricky Whittle) the truth behind her test. Dir: Tris Burns; Writer: Lyn Papadopoulos; Prod Co: Lime

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