NOTE: Spoilers

A mass attack occurs in a bakery / Credit: Sky Atlantic


It's a series that seems to get more ridiculous as each episode passes by, but one that continues to impress with fantastic acting and a storyline that keeps you on your toes with every twist and turn.

The second season of The Following got off to a slow but steady start, and things are really speeding up now as we come to the final third of this string of episodes.

Another mass attack happens in town - this time at a bakery - and of course all fingers point toward Joe Carroll and his new cult of followers.

Ryan investigates / Credit: Sky Atlantic

However, Ryan and Mike learn that no message was left behind with the kill and so their curiosity is piqued, with an idea about who just may be jumping into the limelight and stealing Joe's media shine.

It is of course Lily Gray - the woman who killed Mike's father - and she's hoping to get her 'son' Luke back after he was shot and detained by the authorities in the hopes of extracting information.

Luke does well to allude the authorities in his escape / Credit: Sky Atlantic

Unfortunately for the forces, she's successful in her plan, but Joe doesn't take too kindly to her deceptive nature and plans to take revenge on the "viper".

This isn't the only female in Joe's life who's turned against him, and Mandy's escape from the new cult means she can rejoin Lily's forces and possibly give her information on just where to find Joe.

Ryan's left at a loss once again / Credit: Sky Atlantic

With Ryan's love life blossoming, there couldn't be a worse time for Claire to come back into his life, but indeed she does, adamant she can help him in his investigations after spending her time in witness protection since she was stabbed.

His reaction to the lifechanging news remains to be seen, but will he ever be able to trust his former love and arguable best friend again?

The Following continues Tuesday, April 8 at 10pm on Sky Atlantic and Sky Atlantic HD.

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