Jane is getting married in August.  Her fiance’s mum is battling with terminal asbestos cancer (asbestosis).  She has had as much traditional treatment (chemotherapy) as she is allowed.  At the moment she is taking part in a drugs trial at the Royal Marsden hospital - they know this won't cure her, but they hope that it might slow down the cancers growth.  Without money raised from projects such as race for life, these kinds of trails wouldn't be able to happen. 

At the moment they pray everyday that Celia will be with them for their special day and long after.

Jodie Mason, age 22
Getting married 25th August 2007
In 2003, when Jodie was 18, she was told after going to hospital for a simple eye test that she had a brain tumour that was thought to be blocking a passage in her brain that releases fluid. Because of this, she had a huge amount of fluid build up in her brain so much so that it caused her brain to swell and push onto her eyes giving her terrible migraines. Jodie had an operation to drain the fluid but because of the location of the tumour it could not be diagnosed, so she basically had to go for check-ups regularly to monitor its growth. Jodie has been told that they cannot determine whether or not it is a cancer as it would be too dangerous and hopefully it will not grow. Jodie’s husband-to-be’s father died a year later from a brain tumour which was cancerous and only found after he had suffered a stroke.  She is doing the race for life in memory of him. Also, Jodie’s husband-to-be’s mum had what she thinks was ovarian cancer a few years ago. She had an operation and treatment and has made a full recovery however she still has to go for regular scans.

Rebecca Nunn, age 35
Got married 6th January 2007
Running is a fairly recent thing in Rebecca’s life. She started last year in September 2006, in an attempt to increase her general fitness, but also to tone up for her wedding to her now husband. Ben and Rebecca married on 6th January 2007 and is now proud to be Mrs Nunn (née Aldersley). Ben's mother very sadly died of cancer when he was 17 (is now also 35), so it already touches their lives. More recently however, Rebecca’s mother was diagnosed with cancer of the colon. It is very early days, but the cancer was caught early and they remain very positive. In fact her surgery will take place next week and she will be recovering in hospital as Rebecca’s run.