Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber "enjoy each other's company".

Although Selena, 21, insists the on/off couple are off at the moment, she admitted they still like to spend time with each other whenever they can.

She said: "I've known him for a really long time and we enjoy each other's company every now and then. But I'm definitely single and enjoying being that."

Selena has turned to her friend Taylor Swift for advice on how to keep her personal life private, as Taylor has been through a number of high profile romances with stars including Jake Gyllenhaal, Joe Jonas and John Mayer.

She said: "Taylor's been one of the strongest people I've ever known and she's been through a lot. Honestly I think if anything I aspire to be her in her personal life and how she handles herself publicly."

Right now, Selena is more concerned with her new baby sister, Gracie, who was born in June, than her love life.

She said: "It's crazy. There's a 21-year age gap, which is OK, but it's actually really amazing because we won't be fighting over boys or clothes, so I'll be able to be a cool aunt in a way."