To dream that someone is giving you a compliment represents a confidence and self-love.

Dreams on Female First

Dreams on Female First

While this is good in small doses- don’t let your positive feelings about yourself go to your head or let them drive others away.

On the other hand- the dream could be telling you to love yourself more. Perhaps you put yourself down too often and don’t have a healthy relationship with your body or your mind- or both. It might be time to appreciate what you have and take pride in yourself more.

Consider who was giving you the compliment as this could indicate an admiration or respect that this person has for you in your waking hours.

The dream could be a pun for ‘complement’- perhaps you need to gel better with someone or work in a more accommodating way. More positively- you could benefit from continuing in the same vein if something is working well the way it is.

If you were trying to get someone to give you a compliment perhaps you are suffering from a lack of self-confidence at present. Try to focus on your own feelings about yourself rather than those of others as contentment with one’s self starts from within.

It’s possible you need to give someone a compliment in your waking hours. Has someone done a good job for you at work? Do you need to let your partner know how much you appreciate what they do for you? Or do you need to tell someone how precious they are in your life? If so- sooner is better than later.

Be careful however, if you were complimenting someone in your dreamscape- do you feel a pressure to butter people up in your personal or professional life? If so, then you may be surrounding yourself with the wrong people if this is what’s required to get ahead or be liked.


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