You may have gone to sleep on the night of your dream feeling victimized in your real life.

We find out what it means to dream about a terrorist attack

We find out what it means to dream about a terrorist attack

This could have been either at home or at work- which is why it filtered through into your dreamscape.

If you believe you have been taken advantage of, this might make you feel angry or full of rage, which has manifested itself as a large-scale attack in your dream.

Perhaps you watched a TV show, movie or caught up with the news and seeing and hearing about this subject meant that it found its way into your dream state.

Another interpretation is that you are involved with people in your waking life who are making demands that you deem unreasonable. Perhaps they are taking your time or your talents for granted.

You may feel loyal to this person or people; however, you may also think that they force you to do things you don't want to- more frequently than you consider fair. If this is the case, it might be time to distance yourself from them.

Terrorist attacks encourage surprise and shock, so if something has caught you off guard in your waking hours, this could explain why you saw what you did in your dream.

Maybe you feel to some extent that you have been taken hostage by other people's wants and needs. You know that they have the power to end their relationship with you at any point they choose without much notice. But you also have a choice so perhaps you need to make the first move.

Dreaming about terrorist attacks may seem like a negative thing, however it can also be your subconscious telling you to stay calm and think about things.

This attitude might help you out in a certain situation in your waking life and allow you to make more informed choices.


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