If you are expressing an extreme emotion in your dreamscape, it's often because you struggle to express your true emotions in your waking life.

We find out what it means to feel angry in your dream

We find out what it means to feel angry in your dream

If you find it difficult to be yourself it is a common side effect to have a dream of this nature.

Do you perceive a threat in your waking life? If so it could be that you are denying yourself of something because of this threat.

Perhaps you are angry about something or someone in your waking life. If so, pay close attention to who you were unhappy with in the dream. Was it someone else or were you angry with yourself?

Do you need to tell someone how they've made you feel lately? Or do you need to figure out why you are angry with something of your own doing? Are you frustrated or disappointed with something you’ve done?

If you have a habit of repressing your emotions or projecting your anger onto others- it might be time to look more inwardly.

If you were angry before you went to bed it could simply be an extension of this mood. Maybe your subconscious was trying to make sense of where it stemmed from and how to resolve it.

Dreams are a safe place to play out your strong and negative emotions, so this may be your way of coping.

Anger is also a means of getting someone’s attention so it’s possible you want someone to acknowledge you and the things you do. If someone else was in the dream with you- this might be the very person you want to notice you if you feel undervalued, jealous or rejected in their company.

More positively- getting angry in your dreamscape could simply mean that you are now being more assertive about something that you were once passive about.

Source: www.auntyflo.com



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