To dream about a favour suggests that you are going above and beyond for someone in your waking hours. 

Dreams on Female First

Dreams on Female First

The dream might be telling you to only do this for those who truly need it or those who are willing to do the same for you. If you are being taken advantage of, it might be time to stop being so kind to undeserving people.

The dream could be telling you to make a bigger effort in some area of your life, if you are doing the bare minimum yet want big results. Who knows where applying more time and attention could take you? 

On the other hand, perhaps someone is consistently doing you favours and you aren’t making an effort to repay their generosity. It might be time to show them just how much their support means to you. 

Along the same vein- if someone is always doing things for you that they don’t have to- perhaps it’s time to let them know that  although their help is appreciated, you are ready to go it alone. Consider who was in the dream with you for additional meaning. 

Another interpretation is that you favour one person over another. While in some situations this might be appropriate and somewhat expected, it could be that things have become awkward with two people who know of your preferences. 

If both parties are aware of your feelings, the one who is favoured less might be suffering or offended as a consequence. Does this person deserve an explanation? Is your unequal distribution of time, energy and kindness justified or do you need to rectify this imbalance between these two people? 

Similarly, if you favour one thing over another- perhaps it’s time you question whether this is the best option for you. You may lean towards something that is bad for your health and happiness simply because you always have done. It might be time for a change. 

MORE: Female First's A-Z Dictionary of Dreams

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