If you dream about a UFO, this represents things that are unfamiliar to you in your waking hours.

Dreams on Female First

Dreams on Female First

Perhaps you are going through a period of uncertainty right now or are having unusual thoughts and or emotions.

If you aren’t feeling like yourself- it may be time to seek some professional help to establish why you feel different. Perhaps you know why you feel this way and are trying to adapt. The dream might be mirroring your efforts to settle into your new way of life.

Are you finding yourself in situations that aren’t the norm for you? Have you started out on a new journey? A new relationship? New job? New location? New hobby? If this is the case, you may be feeling apprehensive because you are out of your comfort zone.

It’s possible you are someone who can navigate through strange situations in your life. You are adaptable and cope with changes to your routine well. Your subconscious might be urging you to have a little more faith in your strengths- you can do this.

Perhaps you are experiencing something that is familiar to you, but you are seeing it in a different way. You are seeing it with a fresh pair of eyes. What has changed to make you have this new perspective? A life event or a new person perhaps?

Have you experienced something lately that you can’t explain? If so, the UFO could be a reflection of your frustrations at not being able to find a logical explanation.

If you have a genuine interest in UFOs, they may just have been on your mind before you went to sleep if you had been reading about the subject or watching something about unidentified flying objects in your spare time.

MORE: Female First's A-Z Dictionary of Dreams 

MORE: World UFO Day: How to identify an unidentified flying object

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