Picture Credit: Pixabay
Picture Credit: Pixabay

As dog owners, many of us know that it’s not always easy to get on the same wavelength as our four-legged friends. They may love on us unconditionally and we do the same back, but we’re still yet to find a pooch that can speak directly to us and let us know what they need at all times.

Making beautiful moments together is at the heart of dog training app, hundeo. Working with ‘man’s best friend’ should be an enjoyable experience, rather than a taxing one, and that’s where the team behind the digital program step in.

Collaborating with experts of the field, hundeo includes work from certified dog trainers, nutritionists and veterinarians, so that you can be sure that the content is of the highest quality.

With step-by-step video instructions given for the exercises included, you can, without paying a penny, take your human-dog relationship to the next level. There's also the option to upgrade to hundeo Plus, which adds a bunch of new content and features for just £2.99 per month, taken after a seven-day free trial.

Picture Credit: Pixabay
Picture Credit: Pixabay

Building a sense of community is important for hundeo members; you can record and share your success stories, showing other users just how helpful the exercises and routines on offer have been for you and your loyal companion. What’s better than looking back at the progress you and your dog have made, so you can see just what you’ve achieved and how far you have come?

"The vision of Hundeo is to help all dog owners to give their darling an all-round happy and healthy life," says founder Enrico Bachmann.

After putting the app to the test, we can safely say that their mission is already a successful one and, we cannot wait to see just where they take it to next.

Join 100,000 other registered dog owners now and download the hundeo app on iOS and Android.