Holly Valance shares her secrets to staying in shape

Holly Valance shares her secrets to staying in shape

Holly Valance has recently lost weight in the anticipation of her wedding. She reveals how she got her body back in shape and her top tips for staying trim. 

The new face of Gallo Moscato wine also reveals whose body she admires most. 

Holly has always got something going on in her life and with such a hectic lifestyle it’s not always easy to find time to exercise, however the actress and songstress swears by Bodyism a concept created in Australia designed to create long lean athletic bodies.

Other stars who love bodyism include Elle ‘The Body’ Macpherson, so Holly is in good company to keep her great figure…

“I train with Bodyism a few days a week, James (trainer) is very realistic and caters to everyone's different shapes and levels to make the best you.”

And it’s not just personal training sessions that keep Holly in shape. Alongside her visits to bodyism she also keeps toned with daily Yoga workouts, saying that…

“Yoga is body transforming as well and keeps you peaceful.” 

Bit of course it isn’t all fitness and workouts, as holly does have to keep her strength up and the meal she can’t live without…?

“Gallo Moscato wine with a warm chicken salad or grilled turbot on a light truffle potato mash. It’s the perfect drink for me, it’s light, low calorie and refreshing all in one.” 

And if Miss Valance is feeling a little naughty and wants to treat herself she turns to a USA favourite…

“Popcorn with peanut M&M's mixed in! America has taught me well.”

So what does Holly think is her best body part after all this exercise and yoga, well the Gallo shoot pictures will give you a clue, but it’s something she is very proud of…

“Probably my legs. They work.”

And if Holly Valance couldn’t have Holly Valances’ body who would she most like to be…?

Jessica Biel's is unbelievable and looks like she works very hard, she's like a work of art, great muscle tone. I love Kim Kardashians body, the epitome of what a woman should look like and men melt for.”

Holly Valance is launching Gallo Moscato wine, the new sweet light to medium-bodied wine. For more information visit www.gallofamily.co.uk/moscato

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