Megan Fox shares her diet secrets

Megan Fox shares her diet secrets

Megan Fox has a body that most women can only dream of.

We all know that she must work really hard to stay in shape and most likely doesn't eat or even think about some of the foods that we put in our mouths.

But after she recently admitted her diet secrets we were quite surprised that this is something that we could easily quite follow.

She says: "I eat five times a day and don't diet, but I do eat healthily - mostly raw and vegan food with no diary. It's not always posible with travel and filming, but I do try."

Okay, we can work with that. Eating five times a day - perfect for us. No diet - even better, that's what we call music to the ears.

The best bit of her secrets is something that we can all easily adopt, it requires no extra work. Just a bit of a memory test.

She reveals: "I also take supplements like silica and fish oil reliously."

Easy. These small supplements will help to support hair, skin and nails, you just have to remember to take them.

Silica-OK works to treat the hair, skin and nails and includes nine different nutritients, which help against premature skin ageing and encourage healthy cell function.

Efalex Omega-3 +6 is a beneficial fish oil which helps to maintain brain development, concentration and eye function.

I barely had time to finish writing this, as I run out the door to head to the local pharmacy.

If it's good enough for Megan Fox, then it's certainly good enough for us.

Femalefirst Taryn Davies

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