General Health

25 July 2024

How to lower high blood pressure

High blood pressure (hypertension) affects more than one in four adults in the UK, increasing their risk of serious conditions including heart attack and stroke. One of the biggest problems ...
24 June 2024

Nutrition and Hair Thinning

Hair thinning is when one experiences mild to moderate hair loss for an extended period of time. Your hair loses its volume and gives the appearance of thinner areas of ...
11 June 2024

7 Tips to avoid joint pain when gardening

When it comes to summer, as a nation we love to spend our time outdoors, particularly in our gardens. According to the Royal Horticultural Society, 85% of us spend our ...
16 May 2024

From heartburn to hot flushes: Five common health concerns and how stomach health can help solve them

We all suffer from health hiccups from time to time. However, these can quickly turn into recurring health complaints, which can have a substantial impact on quality of life, if ...
15 April 2024

Top Tips To Battle Hayfever This Spring

Every year, hay fever sufferers endure a host of unpleasant consequences, including poorer performance at work, impaired driving performance, not to mention social misery. Statistics reveal that a quarter of ...
2 April 2024

Spring takes over from New Year's Resolutions

We talk to Anjula Muntanda, celebrity psychologist, on why we are far more likely to succeed in spring – and why she has made spring resolutions for years. Why is the ...
12 May 2022

Glorious garlic: The remedial plant once kept for hog fodder

I was having a conversation with my friend the other day about garlic, as you do. We agreed that any recipe calling for garlic should have quadrupled the quantity it ...
10 May 2022

Health: The link between physical exercise and dementia

As a middle-distance runner and Challenge Events Ambassador for Dementia UK, physical exercise plays a central part in Adelle Tracey’s life. Here she shares her top tips for leading a ...
5 May 2022

My Yoga Journey: Finding mental and physical fitness in one place

Like many, I had misconceptions about yoga that made me turn my nose up at my mother’s suggestion to join her in a yoga class for years. As lockdown restrictions ...
20 April 2022

'I felt like a new man': Patient shares his experience of receiving life saving stem cell therapy

As a fit and healthy man who enjoyed life, it came as a huge shock when in 2003 I was suddenly short of breath and feeling unwell that I was ...

5 April 2022

Three ways journaling can make you happier and how to start your own practice

Journaling is one of the most beneficial tools in your self development kit and when it comes to boosting your happiness it is a great daily habit to adopt. Career ...

8 March 2022

Dietician Sasha Watkins answers all your burning Irritable Bowel Syndrome questions

Dietician Sasha Watkins is a big advocate for good nutrition coming from natural, unprocessed food and has spent years working with healthy eating education for the whole family, nutrition research, ...

23 February 2022

How stress can impact your skin: Spot the signs of ‘Resting Stress Face’ using F-A-C-E

Life has been difficult, particularly in recent times, and when it comes to self-care, you may be surprised at what the appearance of our skin can tell us about our ...
9 November 2021

What are the benefits of online therapy services?

Therapy sessions are necessary for the treatment of emotional and mental health conditions. With the advent of technology and the internet, the approach to therapy has changed alongside many other ...
4 November 2021

Almost three quarters of Brits are craving calmness after 18 months of struggle and unease

New findings by consumer-focused cannabis healthcare company CiiTECH, behind leading UK CBD brand Provacan, has discovered that 71% of those questioned have experienced greater levels of stress and worry due ...
13 September 2021

How to have “the talk” about contraception with a new partner

New relationships are always exciting, but before they go sexual, you need to talk about contraception. It’s a sign of respect towards yourself and the other person, and it’s the ...

11 May 2021

Seven ways to get a good night's sleep by sleep coach Tracy Hannigan

Temporary sleeping problems are a normal stress reaction. Perhaps counterintuitively, many of the things we do to 'try to get more sleep' actually can make sleeping problems worse over time. ...
11 May 2021

Davina McCall fronts new campaign highlighting the hidden dangers of high cholesterol

Davina Mccall is backing the new campaign by Raisio Nutrition to shine a light on the importance of getting your cholesterol levels checked. Having first hand experience with high cholesterol herself, ...
14 March 2021

Lockdown is lifting and so should you: Tips to get fit and stay motivated

This year, many of us fell into the winter slump and never quite managed to pull ourselves out of it. Thanks to gyms not being open and with nowhere nice ...
8 February 2021

Seven Seas launch unique supplement to help support the immune system at a crucial time

Seven Seas has launched a new one-of-a-kind supplement which contains Vitamins C, D and Zinc to help support the immune system. In 2020, 58% of European consumers have become more conscious of ...
5 February 2021

Instagram Star Aleen Johnson On Overcoming Mental Illness

It’s safe to say that Instagram star Aleen Johnson has graduated with flying colors from the school of hard knocks. The internationally renowned tattoo model, whom the world knows better ...
28 January 2021

A newfound passion for Pilates: The exercise method that's ACTUALLY fun!

There were no New Year’s Resolutions made at the start of 2021. As a nation, we’d given up so much of what we loved throughout most of 2020 that it ...
4 January 2021

My hangxiety got so bad, I stopped drinking altogether

I used to wake up most weekends with an overwhelming feeling of dread and disgust. Last night’s bottle of wine sat on my bedside table along with painkillers, a bottle ...
4 January 2021

Bringing to light Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): Easing the symptoms during the winter season

During the winter period, people can often be led to feel more isolated than usual, which in turn can lead to the development of, or compounding of, symptoms of depression. A ...