Waking up early makes you feel more happy

Waking up early makes you feel more happy

People who get up earlier in the morning are the happiest, according to a new study.

Whilst night owls may be more prone to social jet lag.

The study also suggested older adults are more likely morning-type people and they report greater positive emotion than younger adults.

Researchers found that early risers were generally happier and more satisified with their lived because they find it easier to adapt to life's 'schedule'.

The scientists at the University of Toronto, who published their study in the journal Emotion, found that most people abandoned the nocturnal habits of their youth, and because early risers the older the got.

Renee Biss, who led the study, told The Daily Telegraph that the findings showed for the first time that 'older' adutls reported higher levels of positive feeling, the earlier they got up.

Previous studies have suggested that younger 'morning -type' people were happier than their 'evening-type' counterparts.

"What I found most interesting about our results was that they suggest that older adults' greater morningness tendencies partially contribute to their better moos relative to young adults," explained Miss Biss, a PhD student in the unversity's Department of Psychology.

"Thus, morning type people reported feeling happier than evening type people, whether they were young or old, and our results suggest the shift towards morningness with age may have positive emotional benefit."

“Evening people may be more prone to social jet lag; this means that their biological clock is out of sync with the social clock."

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