Supplement of the week

Supplement of the week

KWAI Garlic supplements have been found to have the ideal level of active ingredient, allicin, within them. Allicin is a product found within garlic that helps to reduce the cholesterol levels linked with heart disease; KWAI contains 1.8mg per daily dose.

Worryingly, the number of people with coronary heart disease (CHD) risk factors such as obesity, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure has increased significantly over recent years.

However, it’s possible to reduce the risk by using natural ingredients. A new research review set to be published in a leading dietitian journal, Complete Nutrition, has confirmed the potential for KWAI Garlic to help reduce cholesterol levels linked with heart disease, along with a host of other cardiovascular benefits. 

Dr Sanjay Prasad from the heart and stroke charity CORDA notes: “Coronary heart disease is the nation’s biggest killer and it’s vital that we all do all we can to protect our hearts. A large body of research and evidence has pointed to the potential that garlic with a guaranteed allicin yield at 1.8 mg can help lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides – raised levels of these are strongly linked with an increased risk of clogged arteries and coronary heart disease.”

KWAI Garlic has also been demonstrated to have additional benefits in relation to CHD risk, including an ability to lower blood pressure and reduce triglyceride levels (fatty acids in the blood), as well as having an antioxidant effect (protecting cells from oxidative damage).

KWAI Heart Care:

  • Has an antioxidant effect
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect
  • Reduces the build up of arterial plaque
  • Has a vasodilatation effect, to widen the arteries
  • Causes an improvement in vascular tone


There is substantial evidence that links raised levels of a type of cholesterol called low-density lipoprotein (LDL) with the risk of developing atherosclerosis, and clinical trials have shown that lowering LDL-cholesterol can cut CHD risk.

Several mechanisms appear to be responsible for garlic’s cardiovascular benefits including:

·                an antioxidant effect

·                an anti inflammatory effect

·                a reduction in the build up of arterial plaque

·                a vasodilation effect to widen the arteries

·                an improvement in vascular tone

FACT: Allicin has a direct impact on cholesterol levels by reducing the amount in the blood, as opposed to plant sterols which have an indirect effect, by stopping some cholesterol being absorbed.  The KWAI Heartcare range provides 1.8 mg of allicin per daily dose, the highest level on the market.

KWAI retails at £5.10 for 30 one a day tablets and is available in Boots nationwide. 

Kwai Garlic OAD - 30 Tablets

Kwai Garlic - 560 Tablets

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