Beat the bloat with these tips

Beat the bloat with these tips

A bloated stomach has an awful effect on our mood, leaving us feeling uncomfortable, but there are certain things we can do to help beat the bloat and shrink our stomach.

And a new book by Dr Robynne Chutkan has proven that women do actually get more bloated than men, mainly because they have longer intestines.

Dr Robynne Chutkan, a gastroenterologist and founder of the Digestive Centre for Women in Washington D.C., explained to The Atlantic that there are major differences between the male and female digestive tracts.

So, to help you beat the bloat we have a couple of tips to help shrink your stomach.

Cut down salt: Too much salt in our diet contributes to edema and bloating. Stick to the recommended 1500mg a day. Don’t put salt on the table to add to your dinner and limit the amount you use whilst cooking. Avoiding ready meals is a must too, as these are laden with salt to help give them flavour.

Eat more fibre: Eating a combination of soluble and insoluble fibre is an effective way to stay regular and avoid the bloated feeling that comes with constipation. Foods that are rick in fibre include oranges, mushrooms, raspberries, broccoli and cabbage. It’s time to get eating them.

Focus on potassium-rich foods:  As sodium makes your body retain water, potassium helps it to get rid of excess water. Eating potassium-rich foods like bananas and sweet potatoes can help minimize your middle waist.

Stay hydrated: We all know the importance of drinking plenty of water, not only is it good to keep skin supple, especially as we head into the colder weather. Drinking enough water ensures that fibre can do their job of easing constipation too. Not drinking enough could also aggravate your sodium/potassium levels.

Avoid digestive stress: Stay away from foods that are difficult to digest like sugary or fatty foods. Focus instead on simple meals what are made with whole foods and steamed vegetables to heal your digestive system.

Ditch artificial sweeteners: Found in flavoured water, diet, low-carbs and sugar-free foods, artificial sweeteners aren’t completely digested by your body. Bacteria in the large intestine tend to ferment them, causing gas and bloating. Always check food labels to avoid sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol and lacitol.

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