
24 May 2024

10 ways to zap your sugar cravings

Sugar got quite the bad rep this year, with many people turning their backs on it in a bid for a healthier lifestyle.  But could you curb your cravings? Robert Hobson, Healthspan ...
16 April 2022

Fog Eating: How to eat more mindfully over the Easter break

By Noom Coach Megan Hilbert  It’s not uncommon to find yourself feeling a little indulgent around the Easter holiday, especially with delicious treats like Hot Cross Buns and Mini Eggs ...
4 May 2021

Seven ways to maintain a healthy gut

Our gut health is a vital part of our wellbeing – and if it’s not balanced, then it’s been shown to affect the whole body. Alison Stockton has spent the ...

8 December 2020

Female First's top tips for living egg free

Eggs are cheap and cheerful which is why they have become a UK household staple meal. Scrambled eggs, egg and chips, omelettes and quiche are all easy to make even ...
26 October 2020

Seven tips for a diet free from gluten and dairy

by Coeliac UK  Living free from gluten and dairy can be a challenge, but removing both from your diet can seem impossible! Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley ...
7 October 2020

How to eat well without breaking the bank

It is a common conception that a healthy diet is one that comes with a high price tag, whilst ‘cheap eats’ trigger thoughts of unhealthy low-cost foods. But that is ...
29 September 2020

Female First reviews...noom

In my opinion, Noom is one of the most mysterious programmes on the market right now.  The adverts suggest that it works with the help of psychology, however, that is ...

6 July 2020

Realistic Keto Diet Tips That Won't Tip You Over the Edge

At any age, losing weight is a challenge. Especially when you are in your 30's. A smart weight loss plan can take a lot of time and energy, making it ...
11 October 2019

Why a healthy diet is essential for improving mental health

When you're feeling down or anxious, it's easy to reach for ice cream, chocolate and pizza. For some reason, we assume foods with high sugar and high fat content will ...
16 September 2019

Change your attitude: The Dos and Don'ts of losing weight

So Bill Maher thinks fat shaming will end the obesity endemic because it will shame people into losing weight. The truth is, this is but one of many false assumptions ...
21 May 2019

Why women shouldn't count calories

For decades, the fitness industry has been telling us that we need to “eat less and move more” to shed fat. The theory behind this is that you need to ...
1 February 2019

Seven reasons to make one of your five a day a juice

Many wonder just how they're going to fit their full five a day into their diet, so opting to make one of those five a juice can be the perfect ...
17 January 2019

Simple sugar swaps: Tess Ward's top tips for cutting sugar by a third

Plenty of us are trying to make simple but huge changes to our diet now that we're a couple of weeks into the New Year. For many, this includes bringing ...
18 December 2018

Dietitian Hala El-Shafie reveals why most fad diets fail

December more than any other month of the year sees people over-indulge and pile on the pounds in the spirit of celebration, but that does mean that by the end ...
15 October 2018

How I escaped the diet cycle, by Roxie Nafousi

Since I can remember I have been in a perpetual diet/binge cycle. My weight has always fluctuated from a place where I feel happy in my self and my body, ...
20 September 2018

Coffee and calories - Is your favourite blend sabotaging your weight loss?

Not all coffees are equal, especially when trying to lose weight. Whilst you may be correct in thinking that caffeine can be your friend when it comes weight loss, the ...
21 August 2018

Tired of counting calories? Free your mind from the limitations of your beliefs

Summer is upon us, which means you have either reached your beach body goal or fallen off the bandwagon. No matter where you are geographically, summer around the world moves ...
2 August 2018

[EXCLUSIVE] Weight Watchers Head of Public Health & Programme Zoe Griffiths busts weight loss myths

Registered dietitian and Head of Public Health and Programme at Weight Watchers, Zoe Griffiths, has teamed up with Female First to bust some common weight loss myths, and let you ...
27 June 2017

10 Reasons why pure orange juice is great for you

As the obesity crisis continues, one of the latest issues to come under the spotlight is the sugar content of soft drinks and processed foods - since the Soft Drinks ...
14 June 2017

10 Benefits of following a low carb diet

We've heard stories of low carb diets aiding weight loss- but how else does it benefit your body?  When you eat a high carb diet, that’s the fuel source your ...
18 May 2017

10 Ways to motivate yourself to do something about your weight

Sophie Hardy, 26, has reached her goal weight, having lost over 4 stone with a popular weight loss programme. She's gone from a size 26 to a size 12 and today ...
3 May 2017

Why go organic when buying health food powders?

Health-supporting food powders provide a great way to integrate essential nutrients into our day-to-day diets. In fact, green powders and other superfoods such as maca or spirulina/reishi are becoming increasingly ...
2 May 2017

10 Reasons why you should drink cactus water

Coconut water has long been the drink of choice for gym-goers and healthy living millennials, but there’s a new kid in town. Cactus water is the newest plant-based water to ...
25 April 2017

Six reasons why your weight-loss regime may not be working for you

Are you frustrated because although you eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly you still can’t achieve your weight-loss goal? Don’t worry, you’re not alone – this is a common ...