Ensure your eyes are kept healthy with these tips

Ensure your eyes are kept healthy with these tips

Less than a third of people eat the recommended five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, according to new research. As well as being an essential component of a well-balanced diet, fruit and vegetables also play an important role in keeping eyes healthy.  

Lutein is an antioxidant found in leafy greens such as spinach, broccoli and kale which is particularly beneficial to eye health, however it’s not all always easy to get the recommended levels form your diet alone.

The research was conducted by eye health supplement ICaps. 

ICaps® is a dietary supplement which contains 10mg of lutein/zeaxanthin plus other antioxidant vitamins and minerals which are important to vision and ocular health.

National Eye Health Week takes place on 17 – 23 September, so why don’t you do your bit for your eyes and start eating more greens!

Expert tips for healthy eyes from Optometrist Brian Tompkins 

· Have regular eye examinations. Visiting an optometrist regularly means any eye conditions can be identified in the early stages and action can be taken!

· Ensure you have adequate light when reading or working

· Eating a healthy and balanced diet with lots of fruit and vegetables may help maintain healthy eyes. Try to eat two to four servings of lutein rich vegetables a day. If you are not getting enough lutein from your diet alone, consider taking a dietary supplement such as ICaps® to top up your levels

· If you wear contact lenses always look after them carefully as detailed by your optometrist/contact lens optician

· Wear UV protective sunglasses to avoid damage from harmful UV rays. Even on a cloudy day, UV light can be present, so keep your sunglasses on when the sun goes behind a cloud

· Try to limit your alcohol intake and make sure you drink plenty of water

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