Are you taking care of your heart?

Are you taking care of your heart?

For the majority of over 45s heart health is a main concern, with heart disease ranking top on their list of health concerns. 

Despite this, almost half of them have no idea what their cholesterol level is and almost a third have never had a cholesterol test. 

In addition, out of those surveyed who did know they had raised cholesterol, one in ten said they weren’t currently doing anything about it.

Interestingly, when asked about health concerns for their loved ones, over a third of women said they were more worried about their partner’s cholesterol than their own, compared to only a fifth of men.  But in fact, raised cholesterol affects 76% of over 45 years old and this is split equally amongst men and women.

Linda Main, Dietetic Adviser at HEART UK, the Cholesterol Charity also added: “Raised cholesterol is the single biggest modifiable risk factor for coronary heart disease. With six out of every ten people in the UK living with raised or abnormal levels of blood cholesterol, and with the percentage increasing in the over 45s, having the confidence to make small, simple and effective changes to ours and our loved ones diets and lifestyle is key to reducing risk. This is why HEART UK has recently approved the entire Benecol® product range, as an effective way of lowering cholesterol when implemented alongside other diet and lifestyle changes.”

A quarter of those 45 years and over admitted they take between three and six prescription medications every day for their health, so it comes as no surprise that most say they would prefer to lower their cholesterol through diet and exercise alone.  Yet when asked about known ways to reduce cholesterol, there was some confusion around the most effective methods. Whilst most recognised the associated benefits of eating more wholegrain, oats and fish, over a quarter of people are unaware that eating or drinking functional foods that actively lower cholesterol are an effective way.

Helen Bond, Consultant Dietitian says: “Cholesterol-lowering foods containing plant stanols or sterols, such as Benecol foods, are one of the most effective foods for lowering cholesterol. Oats, nuts, pulses, soya foods and whole grains are good dietary additions and cutting down on saturated and trans fats is advisable. Shopping for functional foods can be confusing, but when it comes to cholesterol lowering, look out for products containing plant stanols or sterols which are clinically proven, rather than probiotics or prebiotics which have different functions.”

The Benecol® ‘Plus One’ Campaign research also showed that over a third of people say they take one or two health supplements on a daily basis to look after or improve their wellbeing. 

The research was conducted as part of the Benecol® ‘Plus One’ Campaign, aiming to raise awareness about cholesterol and lowering cholesterol for people over 45 years old and their ‘plus one’s’.

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