Jennifer Metcalfe is in great shape

Jennifer Metcalfe is in great shape

How do you stay in such great shape?

Usually I just eat anything I want but in small portions, I drink lots of water and I try to go to the gym at least three times a week, two or three times.

Obviously you were on Dancing on Ice, do you still get to so much skating?

I've done it twice this year and the last time I did it I sprained my wrist. It's scared me off for now, but me and my boyfriend were watching it on Sunday and I did say, I can't wait to get back on the ice - I'm just waiting till this arm gets better and then I'll be back on it.

When you've gained a little extra weight, like so many of us have over Christmas, what do you do differently to help get back into shape?

Smaller portions, don't go to heavy on carbs and that's about it.

Have you ever tried any fad diets?

No, never. It's for a few reasons, for one most of the diets are really strict about what you eat and I'm very fussy with what I eat. For another thing, I think that once you put yourself on a diet, you just want to do the exact opposite. And another, is just that it works eating smaller portions, so I don't need to.

What's the one food that you think everyone should eat more of?

Chicken or fish, fish is a good one.

What's your ultimate health tip?

Again, just eat anything that you want but in small portions and you can do without a dessert. You're not going to die because you're going without one.

What's your daily beauty routine?

In the evening I use Dermologica, so I use the Pre-Cleanse, the Cleanser, the Microfoliant and every other night the mask for hydrating, then I use the smoothing cream. Then, in the morning all I do is wash my face with cold water, nothing else and put moisturiser on.

Which three products couldn't you live without?

Most probably three of the Dermologica products, the smoothing cream, the microfoliant and the cleanser.

Are there any beauty treatments that you couldn't live without?

I don't really get much done to be honest, I don't have my nails or anything done. But, I do get a facial and a back massage.

What's your ultimate beauty tip?

Less is definitely more, so no make-up [laughs]. I think that when people pile it on (make-up) they just end up looking like clones of each other. It's nice when you can let your skin come through, even if it has blemishes, just be a bit more natural.

What's going on with you at the minute, are you filming for Hollyoaks at the moment?

I'm filming at the minute. I can't really give much away, but in a couple of weeks I've got a really good block were I'm kind of back to Mercedes, the old Mercedes when she came onto the show. For one block only I'm back and I'm not depressing Mercedes, which has been brilliant to film.

Jennifer is using Murine eye drops to help her eyes look and feel their best. Visit for more information.

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