Don't let allergies get you down this summer

Don't let allergies get you down this summer

With an estimated 21m allergy sufferers in the UK, and statistics from allergy UK highlighting one in three of us will be affected by an allergy at some point in our lives, any advice to reduce allergic reactions is well received by many.

This week the nation celebrates ‘Allergy Awareness Week’ – a week dedicated to drawing attention to the plight of the allergy.

Recent studies have shown that a number of respiratory allergies such as hay fever and house dust mites prevent a large proportion of the nation from sleeping at night and in some cases even cause insomnia.

For this reason, and since we are now well in to hay fever season, we have asked sleep expert John Bramm, from the premium mattress brand Octaspring, to give us his top tips to reducing environmental factors, to allow us to have that little bit of shut eye we all deserve.

John states: “An allergic reaction is the body’s immunological response to an allergen, a foreign material the body sees as a harmful invader, and symptoms can include itchiness, breathing difficulties and watery eyes, all of which prevent a restful night’s sleep. The key to getting a good night’s sleep is therefore to keep these allergens at bay by following these simple tips”.

John suggests:

Sleep with your windows closed - Pollen is the main cause of hay fever and is normally emitted between 5am and 10am each day. By sleeping with your windows closed at night, pollen will be unable to get in to your bedroom. Put a fan in your room if necessary to keep you cool.

Change your sheets once a week –All bedding should be washed weekly in order to keep the amount of allergens embedded in them to a minimum.

Wash sheets with scalding water – Sheets should be washed at a minimum temperature of 60° since hot water has been proven best at killing dust mites, removing dog hair and tree pollen from materials.

Wash regularly – In order to keep pollen from transferring from your clothes to your bed, I would recommend having a shower just before you go to sleep.

Shower with eucalyptus Eucalyptus is great at clearing the sinuses and soothing the throat. By the time you get out of the shower you will be breathing freely.

Dry towels, clothes and sheets in the dryer – Do not hang items outside to dry since this will allow pollen and other allergens to attach to them.

Use saline nasal sprays – Squirt this natural remedy up your nose at night right before you go to bed. These over the counters sprays promise to cleanse the nose of thick mucus, at the same time as adding moisture to the dry skin.

Do not allow pets in the bedroom – Many people are allergic to dog and cat fur without knowing it. In order to keep your room as free from potential allergens as possible try to keep your bedroom pet free.

Use bed bug covers and mite-proof encasings on all bedding – Cover your pillows and mattress with mite-proof encasing to stop the hefty environment of these bugs that live deep within your bedding from direct contact with your skin. Alternatively invest in Octasprings new and innovative memory foam spring mattresses and pillows which don’t harbour as many mites due to their ventilation properties.

Consider carefully your bedding. How old is your mattress? If it’s more than 7 years old it won’t be at its freshest. Your body’s natural moisture will have been absorbed over years making it a welcoming environment for dust-mites and bed bugs. The same goes with pillows – these should be changed approximately every 2 years – feather pillows in particular, can generate a lot of dust for mites to feed on as well as be a safe haven for nasties and bacteria. An Octaspring mattress has a new foam spring technology which makes it one of the best-ventilated mattresses around. It also has a removable, washable cover, keeping your sleeping environment clean, fresh and safe.  

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