We all wanted to be healthier in 2013? Is it working for you?

We all wanted to be healthier in 2013? Is it working for you?

One month ago, millions of us pledged to lose weight, give up smoking, stop drinking or start going to the gym once and for all. But how many of us are still sticking to our resolutions?

New research released today shows that more than half of us have set New Year’s resolutions with less than one in ten able to stick to their guns.

Over three quarters of smokers thought about quitting, but decided against it because they thought they’d fail. Half of those with weight to lose also didn’t bother trying to shift the pounds because of a belief they couldn’t stick to a diet, while close to half of people who drink alcohol considered having a dry month before deciding it would be too difficult to stick to.

One in five say their goals fell by the wayside because of a lack of willpower, one in six say stress led them back to their old ways, one in seven say their heart was never really in it, with the same number saying they missed the thing they gave up too much. One in ten admit they simply have no self control.

While many of us give a multitude of reasons and excuses as to why we couldn’t stick to our resolutions – most of it comes down to willpower.

Furthermore, the research shows that not only do most of us fail, many of us don’t even try because we’re convinced we don’t have the willpower in the first place.

So what’s the key to turning on this most elusive trait?

Lifestyle coach and Weight Loss Guru Pete Cohen has created a willpower programme specifically aimed at weight loss, but he says the techniques can be applied to anything that requires willpower – so what’s his secret?

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