

British men haven’t yet arrived in the 21st century – if their attitudes to housework are anything to go by! And with spring cleaning currently on the agenda for millions of british households, it’s a domestic argument waiting to happen!

An extensive new customer survey by electrical discount uk, the independent online electrical retailer, has found that in more than seven out of ten uk homes (71.5%) women are still doing at least three quarters of household chores such as washing, cleaning, cooking and ironing. Only 16 per cent of british men do the majority of the housework in their homes.

Almost seven out of ten households (69.5%) said that with spring cleaning on the agenda, they were more likely to be engaged in domestic chores. Sixty per cent of respondents said that their least favoured household chore was vacuuming, whilst washing up was loathed by just under ten per cent (9.5%) – perhaps due to many households having dishwashers these days.

Simon emberson, commercial manager of electrical discount uk, commented: “it’s surprising that in this day and age things haven’t evened up more between men and women – although it’s possible that it’s not just men being idle, but women being in control of the domestic space. We find that men are usually very enthusiastic when it comes to buying practical gadgets, so it’s surprising they aren’t as keen on some of the labour saving devices for the home such as dishwashers, tumble dryers and vacuum cleaners!”

One respondent to the survey, mr john sidebottom (64) from thorner in west yorkshire, claimed his wife did 75 per cent of the housework, but later admitted to us that it was nearer 100 per cent!

Mr sidebottom, an estate services manager at bradford royal infirmary, said: “the only housework I do is the washing up, but I don’t like doing that – it makes my hands dry! And, I don’t like dusting...well actually , I don’t like any housework!

Asked if his wife might give him a reward if he pulled his finger out and did some housework, john joked: “no, I’m too old for that sort of reward!”


Simon emberson of electrical discount uk, added: “we decided to help out mrs sidebottom – so as a belated mother’s day present, we’ve presented her husband john with a state-of-the-art panasonic vacuum cleaner. If he needs it, we’ll also offer him an hour’s intensive tuition in how to use it!”

Seeing the funny side john admitted: “perhaps I should do more around the house. I promise I’ll do my fair share of the vacuuming now that electrical discount uk have given me a decent one to use!”

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