If you would rather declutter than watch fireworks this year- that’s fine- not everyone wants to celebrate in the traditional way. If this is you- and you want to spend your evening sorting out your space here are seven aptly themed things you can declutter…

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Anything with fireworks on: This could be a t-shirt with a picture of a firework on, jewellery made to look like fireworks, tickets to a past firework display, a card with fireworks on that was sent in celebration or a book you’ve never read with fireworks on the cover. There is bound to be something in your home that you no longer use and has fireworks on it! Happy hunting! 

Traditional Bonfire Night food: Perhaps you have a bag of marshmallows that are out of date, maybe you bought/made some Parkin and don’t like the taste. Do you have some freezer burned bread rolls hiding behind the pizza? It’s possible you have a can of chilli or hot dogs lurking in the back of your cupboard that you know you will never eat- if so- donte the items still in date to a food bank and let your cupboards breathe or at least have room for the food you want to eat. 

Clothes you might wear to a fireworks display: Think about what you might wear if you were to go to a fireworks display- probably anything from your autumn wardrobe. So, this is the perfect opportunity for an autumn/winter wardrobe edit. What didn’t you wear last year during this time? What did you wear but felt uncomfortable in? What has holes in it? Rips? Stains? This is the ideal time to remove anything from your wardrobe that falls in line with any of the above.

RELATED: What does it mean to dream about a bonfire?

Cooking implements traditionally used in the preparation of Bonfire Night food: Do you have toasting forks you’ve never used? Or a slow cooker you’ve never made chilli in, let alone anything else? If this sounds familiar, why not list the things you can sell and ditch the things you can’t?

Chimineas, firepits and logs: Maybe you bought one of these thinking you would sit out every evening during the summer watching the logs burn. If you have used it only a handful of times or perhaps you’ve never used it at all- it’s time to get rid and let someone else enjoy the warmth while they are outside. Logs can easily be recycled or given to someone in your bubble who will use them. 

Wheels: I know it’s a tedious link but the Catherine Wheel made me think of other wheels that might be lurking in your home. Old bike wheels that are rusted and useless, wheels off toys that your child might have broken, wheels from an old trolley or pram that you no longer own. 

Powders: While I hope you don’t have any gunpowder in your home, there could be other types of powder in your cupboards that you might not have thought of and no longer use. Think talc, dry rubs, icing sugar, blushers, spices and baking soda to name a few. If you use all these powders in your home regularly- keep them, but if you don’t- it’s always worth evaluating all the products within this category. 

Happy decluttering this Bonfire Night! 

RELATED: Seven ways to have a minimalist Bonfire Night in lockdown

Bonfire Night is not one of the most extravagant times of year as it stands. There are very few decorations in the shops to adorn your home and less fuss about this holiday than others that are on their way or have just been. With all that said, there are ways to keep it simple if you don’t want to be burdened with stuff before, during and after this date in the calendar. Here are just a few…to read more click HERE 

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