Are you in a make-up rut?

Are you in a make-up rut?

A new study has revealed how attached women in the UK are to the style of make-up that they choose to wear on a daily basis, unveiling that the average UK woman keeps the same make-up style for 12 years on average; and buys a product that she likes for 3.8 years.

The study,conducted by  found that the average UK woman wears the same daily style of make-up for  ‘12.2 years’; with the average woman claiming to have changed their style of daily make-up for the first time at the age of ‘28.5 years old’.

When asked to estimate how long they usually used a particular brand/ item of make-up for, after having found one they liked, the average answer was ‘3.8 years.’

When asked what usually made them change from an item or brand they liked, the top answer was the item being ‘discontinued’ for 52%; closely followed by an ‘increase in price’ for 31% of the women taking part.

Mark Pearson, Chairman of, commented on the findings:

“Make-up can be really pricey, and with so many women (and men!) around the UK dedicating a large portion of their pay packet to it every month, we wanted to look into the trends and spends within an average woman in the UK’s lifetime.

“To see that the average woman wears the same make-up style for 12 years is testament to the fact that most women will find a style that suits them and stick with it for a long time; with products even being favoured for over 3 and a half years. Us Britons are a comfortable bunch and it seems we like to find what works for us and stick with it, whether that be food, clothing or make-up, as we found. Appearance has so much to do with how confident we feel about ourselves, and it seems that make-up has a huge part to play for women up and down the country with this.”  

When asked to describe how they last changed their daily style of make-up, two thirds of the women taking part explained that they began to ‘wear less’ on a daily basis. A quarter explained that they actively aimed to achieve a ‘more natural’ make-up look.

According to the results of the study, the average woman aged 35 and over in the UK spends  ‘£28.20’ on make-up products every month. A fifth of the respondents also admitted that they would not leave the house without make-up on; of which ‘mascara’ was the most important product to have on for 72% of respondents.

What's your most important beauty product?

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