Are you applying the wrong colour make-up?

Are you applying the wrong colour make-up?

Finding the perfect colour match of make-up for your skin can be hard work, especially if the place you're buying from has awful lighting. 

But just how much are you actually spending on make-up that isn't the right colour for your skin tone? 

New research has found that women in the UK waste £76.38 purchasing make-up in the wrong tone or colour every year. Which adds up to a staggering £4,888 in a lifetime. 

What might not come as a surprise is the type of make-up that women buy in the wrong colour, according to the research from 

Foundation came out on top as the worst culprit, followed by blusher, bronzer, eye shadow and then lipstick. 

Despite buying an average of 6.2 items in the wrong colour, more than two-fifths admitted to having never taking the item back, with the majoirty claiming they didn't think they would be allowed to return them. 

Mark Pearson, Chairman of, commented on the findings: “Many people incorrectly believe that you can’t return makeup, even if it’s unused, which isn’t the case. Whilst many stores of course won’t allow a return on used items (however small the amount you’ve tried), some do; particularly if the incorrect colour match was done in store. It’s vital to try before you buy in this instance. Almost £5k in a lifetime on wrong colour makeup is an incredibly large amount of money, which can easily be avoided by testing out in natural light- or booking a tester session with a makeup counter.”

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