(@Jaxvicious Instagram) gorgeous bold lip.

(@Jaxvicious Instagram) gorgeous bold lip.

Choose the right shade

You need to pick a lipstick colour that is the right shade for your skin tone. To do this you need to find your undertone.

Do you have a cool, warm or neutral undertone?

Take a look at the veins on your wrists:

- If they appear 'blue/purple' you have cool undertones
- If they appear 'green/olive' you have warm undertones.
- If you can't really decide, then you are probably neutral

Another way to tell:

What jewellery suits you best? 

- You look better in silver jewellery you cool toned.
- You look better in gold jewellery you are warm toned.
- If you look good in both then you are more than likely neutral.


A lipstick with a pink, red or blue undertone often looks better on cooler skin.
A lipstick with rich yellowpeachy or golden undertones will compliment a warmer skin tone.

Pick whatever shade you think suits you best and make sure you get a lip liner to match.


Prep and prime

It is important to exfoliate and moisturise your lips before applying any liptick or lip liner. You can use a lip exfoliater for a shop, one you have made yourself or even an old toothbrush would work.

1. Gently rub or brush away the dead skin off your lips.
2. Next you need to apply a moisturising lip balm.

Shape and define

To avoid lipstick 'bleeding' out you should apply a lip liner before applying your lipstick.

1. Draw an outline around your lips and decide the shape you want.

2. Bring the liner inwards and fill your lips in slighty, this will make the lipstick last longer. You can follow the natural outline of your lips or enhance the definition of your lips if you want to.


Dark lipsticks have a tendency to make your lips look smaller so don't be afraid to slightly exaggerate your natural lips. When you are happy it's time to apply the lipstick.


1. Apply your lipstick straight from the bullet or with a lip brush for more precision.

2. Use concealer around the outer edge of your lip liner, this will just neaten the line and cover up any smudges or mistakes you might have made.

3. After applying, remove any excess colour by blotting away with tissue paper or put your finger in your mouth and purse your lips around it whilst pulling your finger out - this will stop any lipstick getting on your teeth.


A bold lipstick looks better against a flawless complexion. Spots, blemishes or redness can draw the attention away from your lips and can often prevent the colour from looking as good as it should.

A heavy coverage foundation would be the best option to cover up an imperfections and will create the perfect base to compliment your bold lip.

Choose a blusher that has a slight shimmer to it, cream blusher will probably be best for this and will give the appearance of glowing skin.

Eye makeup

When wearing a bold lip it's often a good idea to simplify your eye makeup and keep them as neutral as possible or if you are going to brave a bold eye too, stick to one colour.

If you want to wear eyeshadow, go for a light smokey eye or light reflecting colours using loose pigments. Winged liner for a cat-eye effect always looks great with a bold lip and you can add false lashes if you want to give your make up that extra 'glam' look.

If you are wearing a matte lip, choose a shimmery eyeshadow and vice versa.

(@Jaxvivious Instagram) beautiful eye and lip combo

Now you can show off your perfect bold lips!


By Natasha Akpan – www.femalefirst.co.uk

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