Twenty8Twelve AW09 collection at London Fashion Week

Twenty8Twelve AW09 collection at London Fashion Week

Sienna and Savannah Miller's debut London Fashion Week show for label Twenty8Twelve was a success with the critics but the sisters' show has upset the council, The Independent reports.

The show took place at Camden's Dairy and residents in the area have complained that the event caused chaos with cars blocking roads and rowdy spectators taking to the streets. Camden Council has now got involved saying that the event should never have been allowed to take place.

One of the borough's councillors told the paper: "London Fashion Week is a great event but the point is there is no planning permission for this kind of event. It seems the developer or owner is trying to make a fast buck ... I hope Camden Council takes strong action against them."

Poor Sienna, talk about marring the success of the event. It seems she is not the only fashionista to incur the wrath of the neighbourhood though. Fellow style icon Kate Moss was criticised earlier this year over the drama surrounding her birthday party.

Don't these people know fashion stops for nobody!