Winter is gone and Spring is sneaking up on us. During the winter we all crave richer, more calorific foods which we need to stave off the cold and dark nights. But now that the days are getting longer, and Spring is here you can feel the promise of brighter days with more outdoor time and lighter clothes, and it is time to start thinking about getting the body ready for the big reveal that is heralded by the arrival of Summer.
Here are a five simple and effective ideas to start getting ready for the changing season that will improve your skin, reduce the belly bloat, increase your energy and help you lose a few wintery pounds.
1. Hydrate!! The only drink the body needs is water and the more the better. Everyone, no matter what age, size or fitness level needs at least two litres of water a day. I know this is not new info or mind-blowing news, but I don’t know many people who abide by this simple guideline on a daily basis long-term. I cannot emphasise enough how important water is and the difference it will make to all aspects of your life; energy levels will rise, skin will improve, digestion will work better, cravings are reduced, brain function and memory improves, and it will help you lose weight.2. Walk! A little or a lot! Schedule a 20-30 minute walk every day. There is nothing more inspiring than an early walk to get you going for the day or likewise in the evening after a busy day. Instead of plonking yourself on the sofa stick on the Nikes and ‘just do it’. Even if you already exercise regularly get out and walk and be in mother nature for a period every day.3. Easy Fasting! Pick a 12–14-hour window in your day where you don’t eat. It’s a great way to boost your weight loss, improve digestion, reduce insulin resistance and increase mental clarity and memory. I try to stick to eating my last meal around 6pm and not eat again till 8am but you may prefer to plan it slightly differently which is fine too.
4. Veggies/salad first! Try eating your vegetables or salad first or even as a starter. Recent studies show that the order we eat our foods in has a huge impact on us. When vegetables are eaten first, they help keep blood sugar levels lower and can cause your body to secrete higher levels of a hormone GLP-1 that can aid in weight loss and satiety levels helping you eat less overall.
5. Reduce Caffeine! While coffee has been found to have healthy benefits drinking too much (or certainly after lunch time) has been proven to affect your sleep. Even if you fall asleep easily, should you have had coffee later in the day there is no doubt that the quality of your sleep will be affected. Knock out the afternoon caffeine fixes and improve your sleep which will help you be less stressed, lose weight easier, enjoy life more and live a longer and healthier life.
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by Matt Shine for
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