

This week we have been lavishing you with Brave treats and now we have a lovely featurette for you to take a look at.

Now no summer movie season is complete without a Pixar animation movie and this year we get to meet Princess Merida for the very first time.

And in this latest video we get to an early introduction to the character; a feisty young woman who want to be free rather than restrained by royal protocol:

Brave is a movie that Pixar have been excited and keen to share with us for over twelve months and it is great to see them release an original story after a couple of years of sequels.

And Merida might just be the greatest female character that Pixar have ever created, a not afraid of action - no nonsense kind of gal.

Passionate and fiery, Merida is a headstrong teenager of royal upbringing who is struggling to take control of her own destiny.

She feels most at home in the outdoors honing her impressive athletic skills as an archer and swordfighter, and racing across the magnificent Highland countryside with her faithful horse, Angus.

As the daughter of the King and Queen, her life is weighted with responsibilities and expectations, causing her to yearn to preserve her freedom and independence.

When Merida blatantly defies an ancient tradition, the consequences of her actions prove disastrous for the kingdom.

She must race against time to make right the result of her reckless behaviour, her journey compelling her to look inside to discover the meaning of bravery and reveal her true fate.

Brave is released 17th August

FemaleFirst Helen Earnshaw

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