Couples Retreat

Couples Retreat

Over the years movies have taken us to some incredibly beautiful places, usually with beaches, hot weather lovely.

And this week is no different as Couple Retreat whisks us off to the beautiful island of Bora Bora for some much needed relaxation.

So we take a look at some of the most beautiful movie locations... however some do have a major snag.

Ok so Bora Bora may be on the agenda for Vince Vaughn and go in their latest movie but this beautiful, tranquil setting soon turns into a nightmare.

The couples have to undergo intensive counselling during their stay... whatever happened to just lying on the beach?

Pelegosto Island has some stunning beaches and beautiful weather it seems the cast of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest have stumbled upon paradise when they find themselves stranded on the island.

However the locals not as friendly and as inviting as you would hope as they would rather put you on the menu than strike up a conversation with you... being cooked alive is not my idea of getting a good tan.

The Gulf of Thailand, on an unnamed island, seemed like the perfect getaway for Leonardo DiCaprio and co in The Beach.

And while leaving your old existence behind for island living might sound like fun but to say that this is welcoming to strangers is a little bit of an understatement.

Even when one of the island dwellers is badly injured in a shark attack, another major put off point, and a doctor is refused to set foot on the island condemning the injured to death... nice!

Mexico seemed like the perfect destination when looking for that awesome beach, lets get a tan holiday for the cast of The Ruins.

However who wants to go an archaeological dig at a remote Mayan ruin in the middle of a holiday? Venturing into the forest is always a very bad idea.

And when the plants begin to eat you and the jungle locals aren't very friendly you know you are in major trouble.

Skull Island maybe perfect for the adventurer, personally I'd rather lounge around the pool but everyone to their own.

But when you are being attacked by the exotic wildlife, and by this is mean dinosaurs and over grown gorillas it's really time to call it a day.

Couples Retreat is released 14th October

FemaleFirst Helen Earnshaw


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