Simon Cowell

Simon Cowell

The X Factor bosses are really worried that their live auditions this week are going to be ruined by the World Cup and have begged ticket holders not to pick Ashley Cole over their Cheryl.

The live auditions mean that ticket holders need to be sat down in the auditorium between 2 and 6pm, which would mean they would miss England's vital clash against Slovenia. Yikes.

The show needs to fill the seats to make it look good on telly and create the right ambience for the auditions, but we’re not quite sure that sending letters out to ticket holders urging them to support Cheryl, Simon and Louis over the England squad is quite the right way to go.

We only get to be patriotic once every four years, so I think I’d rather watch that in the pub and check out the X Factor on the telly when it comes on.

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison

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