The X Factor

The X Factor

The X Factor peeps have clearly thrown their toys out of the cot after squeaky clean Joe McElderry was beaten to Christmas Number one by those dirty, American rockers Rage Against The Machine.

The bigwigs at ITV might even release the ‘winners song’ a few weeks earlier so that they don’t have to face another chart battle and be left red-faced when a Facebook groups whips their ass with a download-only release.

The shame of such a high-profile loss means that both Simon Cowell and the shows producers don’t EVER want this to happen again, and reckon thast if the show ended a few weeks before Christmas, it would be easier to guarantee the eventual winner a place at the top of the charts.

One source explained, "If a show that gets 19million viewers can't muster enough support to beat an online campaign of music snobs, then maybe there is no point aiming for Christmas Number One next year."

Ooh, it sounds like ITV are shaking in their little walking boots (walking boots / The Climb - geddit?) go team Rage!

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison

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