Parenthood DVD

Parenthood DVD

Parenthood - Season 1 follows the Braverman family as single mother Sarah and her two children move back in with her parents.

With an extended family that includes a commitment-phobic younger brother and an older brother with his own set of problems, Sarah soon realises that her situation is also the perfect catalyst for her complex family to come together once again.

This hilarious and always honest look at the complexities of modern family life could stimulate some ideas about the ‘correct’ way of parenting. So to tie in with this warm, funny and absorbing new TV series, here are some top tips on parenting...

1. The pilot episode of ‘parenthood’ introduces Sarah’s sister as a successful corporate attorney trying to juggle work and motherhood, alongside her stay-at-home husband, Joel.

Top tip: Devise a plan and schedule:

Identify and list tasks that should be done while at the office only and tasks that should be done at home and when/what days of the week. This helps keep home and work life separate as well as reducing stress levels.

2. Also in the beginning of the series, Sarah’s brother Adam and his wife Kristina learn that their son is diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome.

Top tip: Be very patient:

Remember to keep in mind that your child with Asperger’s Syndrome wouldn’t act like normal children and you will be surprised how easy it is to get angry with them however it is not their fault and therefore the best thing for you to do for your child is to be patient.

3. A more light hearted issue which occurs in the series is Sarah’s debate as to whether she should date her daughter’s teacher.

Top tip: Consider your child’s feelings:

Be open and honest with your child about the possibility of dating their teacher. Ask how they feel about it and don't try to persuade them to change their feelings.

Instead, ask if there are circumstances in which they would be ok with the relationship---for example, if everything were to be kept confidential.

4. Further into the series Sarah learns about her father’s financial problems.

Top tip: Offer help as well as educate and inspire:

Your parents may be too proud to admit to you that they have debt problems. When you know that they are having financial difficulties, take the initiative and offer help however be sensitive when bringing up the topic.

It is also important to make sure they understand that your respect for them remains. In addition to helping them, it is also important to guide and educate them to become more financially responsible. 

5. Sarah’s younger brother Crosby finds himself in a situation where he realises he is the father to his ex girlfriends child and starts to feel the pressure of have a baby sooner than he expected.

Top tip: Approach parenthood with an open mind:

Realise that nothing can prepare you for being a parent and if you approach parenthood with the mindset that you won’t have all the answers, you will be better prepared to deal with the problems that can be associated with having a child.

6. Julia, Sarah’s sister, tries to teach her daughter how to stand up for herself.

Top tip: Set a good example:

Make sure YOU stand up for yourself, especially in the presence of your child so they can learn from your behaviour.

7. One of the episodes shows Julia becoming the new coach for her daughter’s soccer team.

Top tip: Do not show any evidence of favouritism:

If your child plays in the team that you coach, it is likely that you will be accused of favouring your child by the other parents.

To avoid this, try not to always choose your child to be captain of the team and steer clear of always instructing the other players in the team to pass the ball to your child at every opportunity. Try to also avoid being negative to other players for minor mistakes but accepting your own child’s errors.

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