If you’re about to give birth like The Duchess of Cambridge then you’ll be thinking ahead to your post-baby workout.

Parenting on Female First

Parenting on Female First

A great way to get fit and give yourself and your baby some fresh air is by taking on a stroller workout.

BRITAX have teamed up with diet and fitness expert Laura Williams to bring us these stroller workout tips, enjoy!

Walking Stroller Lunge

Stand behind your stroller with hands on the handlebars and take a long stride forward bending front knee to a 90-degree angle – your thigh should be parallel to the ground. Keep torso lifted, hips and shoulders facing forward.

Push through the front heel to come back up to standing – this will work your bottom muscles more, and ensure that you don’t put too much weight on the stroller too. Switch legs and repeat this for one minute. Rest and repeat the exercise

Waist Whittler

Stand tall with your right side facing the stroller. Keeping as still as you can in the upper body, gently push the stroller away with your right hand, while reaching overhead with left arm.

Tense your abdominal muscles on the left side to pull the stroller back. Do this 8-10 times before changing sides.

Single-Leg Squat and Row

Stand with feet hip-width apart, right hand on stroller, and extend left leg in front of you so you’re balancing on your right leg with your knees aligned.

Slowly bend your right knee as you push the stroller away from you ensuring as you bend your knees don’t come over your toes. Then straighten leg and pull stroller in towards you. Do 20 on each leg.

Are you a fan of stroller workouts? Let us know how you keep fit after giving birth by commenting below or tweeting us @FemaleFirst_UK