
29 December 2021

How to encourage your kids to be safe online

As the kids are home for the Christmas break, you’ll notice that their time on computers and/or phones has escalated, much to your dismay. It’s a given that kids are ...
24 December 2021

Everything you need to know about freezing your eggs

If you are waiting to start a family in the near future or have children and are considering freezing your eggs but are unsure where to start – we’re here ...
23 December 2021

Top tips for Christmas Eve sleep

The big day is almost here! Santa Claus is coming to town and the kids are overwhelmed with excitement. As sweet treats become the norm and their loveable laughs filter ...
17 December 2021

How to set education resolutions that actually work

With 2022 just around the corner, many will be thinking about the resolutions they will make - and aim to keep - in the year ahead. For those with children ...
16 December 2021

End the stigma of loneliness this Christmas

The pandemic has dramatically impacted the way we live our lives. From wearing masks to socially distancing to covid passports - it’s safe to say it has been a whirlwind ...
15 December 2021

How to avoid burnout as a parent

Despite having 24 hours in a day, it somehow still doesn’t seem enough to complete everything on your to-do list. Even more so, with the run up to Christmas, you ...
9 December 2021

Dyslexia: Spotting the signs and supporting your child

Around 6 million people in the UK are dyslexic (Dyslexia Reading Well) and it has become easier to recognise and diagnose over the years. As many parents have become teacher ...
1 December 2021

Christ-Max December Shaping Up To Be Busier Than Ever

Celeb Mum Kate Ferdinand Joins Aptamil Follow On Milk Ready To Drink HACKVENT CAMPAIGN to help parents get ready for the Festive Season  Parents of children under five in the UK ...

1 December 2021

Christmas gift ideas for all the family

As we’re officially 24 sleeps until the big day – it may have suddenly dawned on you that you still have sooo much to buy! Fear not – we’ve done ...
29 November 2021

Exclusive: Personal trainer Charlotte Tooth on working out while pregnant

Personal trainer at TRX, Charlotte Tooth, started out as a professional dancer before trying her hand at being a Barre master but is now certified to do pre- and post-natal ...

26 November 2021

Top tips: Safe sleep for your baby

When putting our babies down to sleep, we want to make sure they’re perfectly safe and comfortable. As a result, you might be tempted to wrap them up in cosy ...
25 November 2021

Smart and simple sleep swaps for the family this winter

As we head into the busy festive season, it’s more important than ever that the whole family is able to benefit from a regular and restful night’s sleep. Not only ...
24 November 2021

Cheap and cheerful Christmas activities for the kids

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Or so they say – but for some parents – this time of year welcomes unwanted stress and uncertainty. Your mind is ...
17 November 2021

Louise Redknapp discusses online safety for children and collaborating with EE on their new campaign

As the kids start to become familiar with the internet and technology, it’s vital that we, as parents, educate and protect our kids for life online. We chat with Louise ...
16 November 2021

Why Healthy Students are Better Learners

A well-balanced diet is essential for everyone, especially students. To keep up with the demand that schools require, students need the energy and strength that comes with eating healthy. They ...
12 November 2021

National Maths Week: Top tips to engage kids in mathematics

The UK currently ranks seventeenth in the world league tables when it comes to maths competence assessed at the age of 15, with China, Singapore and Macau in the top ...
11 November 2021

Christmas countdown: How you can start saving now

The dark nights are drawing in and there is that familiar chill in the air – this can only mean one thing – Christmas is coming to town! With only ...
4 November 2021

Remember, remember the fifth of November: Fun activities to celebrate bonfire night

Bonfire night is upon us and although you adore your local scout club, the smell of hot dogs and observing the colourful array of fireworks covering the black skies - ...
3 November 2021

Top tips for embracing family fitness for physical and mental health

Exercising isn’t meant to be stressful. While parenting doesn’t have an ‘off switch’, try embracing exercise as ‘me time’ or incorporating small wins into daily life to get fit as ...
31 October 2021

How to support a child with ADHD

October marks ADHD Awareness Month. With this in mind, we spoke to Lisette Kuijt, licensed child psychologist at the online tutoring platform - 'GoStudent’ about what ADHD is, and how ...
24 October 2021

Top tips for boosting children’s health and wellbeing

As another half-term approaches, your week is mapped out to keep the kids busy, but have you thought about their health on returning back to the classroom? As children have ...
23 October 2021

Top Tips for heading back to the classroom with confidence after half-term

For some children, the first few weeks back in the classroom may have felt a little daunting. The past academic year meant that many children spent long periods of time ...
22 October 2021

A guide to parenting whilst heartbroken: The do’s, don’ts and things you need to remember

A breakup is never easy; it marks the end of a once loving relationship, inspires big changes in our lives and, generally speaking, isn’t a pleasant nor welcomed experience. Heartbreak ...
21 October 2021

Scarily simple recipes to (trick or) treat the kids this Halloween

Edible eyeball anyone? Or how about a cheesy witch’s finger? Or perhaps a nibble from a spooky skeleton platter? Whilst Trick or Treating is a highlight of the year for ...