Do you like making friends on holiday?

Do you like making friends on holiday?

It would appear that British holidaymakers are an unsociable bunch on the whole, as new research by a UK online independent travel agency,, has revealed that the majority of British holidaymakers going abroad on holiday have "no interest" in making friends outside of their group. carried out the poll as part of ongoing research into the holiday habits and preferences of people around the UK, in a bid to find out more about the phenomenon of "holiday friends".

2,107 British adults took part in the poll, each of whom had been abroad on holiday in the past 12 months.

Making friends on holiday isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but for some it makes the holiday even better. I found it amusing that some people liked to make friends on holiday for their children’s benefit

When asked, "Did you make friends on your last holiday abroad, outside of the group you were travelling with?" only eight per cent of those taking part in the study said yes. All respondents were asked what they thought of making friends on holiday, to which 51 per cent said, "No interest in making friends", 34 per cent answered "Like making friends, try to, often" and 15 per cent were indifferent to the matter. asked those respondents who claimed to have no interest in making friends on holiday, why that was the case, and 46 per cent put it down to not wanting to get stuck with people for the duration of their holiday, whilst 22 per cent said they wanted "alone time" with the people they were travelling with, such as friends or family members.

Nearly three quarters (71 per cent) of those who had made a friend/friends on their last holiday abroad said they didn’t stay in touch after the break. Of those who did like to make friends on holiday, a third said it "made the holiday less boring" and 29 per cent said it was to "keep the kids entertained if friends also have children".

Chris Clarkson, co-founder of, said: “Making friends on holiday isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but for some it makes the holiday even better. I found it amusing that some people liked to make friends on holiday for their children’s benefit, as understandable as that is, as I’m sure many of those also had their eye on a free baby sitter for a night or two!

“If you’re worried about getting stuck with other people whilst on holiday, perhaps it’s best to avoid making friends in the first place. Perhaps that’s why the majority tend to do that!” he added.

Do you like making friends on holiday? Tell us in the comments below or tweet us @FemaleFirst_UK


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