Other travel options apart from flying are available

Other travel options apart from flying are available

UK holidaymakers are lucky to have so many diverse cultures on their doorstep, literally. We have the luxury of being an hour’s flight away from France’s world-icon, the Eifel Tower and a mere two hours from some of Europe’s best beaches in Spain. With that said, many Brits are still reluctant to take advantage of these travel privileges.

"There’s only so much you can learn from reading travel guides. Experiencing a country, and its cultures, first hand is one of the most valuable and memorable ways of truly taking in a destination."

New research from Leger Holidays revealed that the average UK resident has only experienced 17 per cent of Europe (seven out of 41 countries).

Despite 88 per cent of the nation wanting to see more of Europe, a quarter of UK travellers won’t have ventured into Europe in the last five years.

The escorted coach tour operator conducted a survey of over 2,000 people, from which it found that one in five UK holidaymakers will only have ever been to one other European country in their lifetime, if any.

According to the survey the most common barriers that prevent people from exploring Europe are cost, the thought of over-complicated journeys and not being able to speak the local language.

As a result of these prohibiting factors, holidaymakers are now far more likely to opt for a tried and tested destination within their safety zone, rather than exploring the Nordic region of Europe that houses many of the dream destinations they actually wish to see.

Huw Williams, Marketing Director at Leger Holidays, said: “Europe holds some of the most exciting and vibrant destinations in the world and it’s disheartening to see that people aren’t making the most of these locations, especially since they’re right here on our doorstep.

“We were equally shocked to hear the reasons that people gave for limiting themselves to certain destinations and giving up on their ideal holidays. If the thought of visiting somewhere unfamiliar causes any concerns, there are numerous escorted tours and services available which offer additional support and expertise,” she added.

The decline in European travel has also had a detrimental effect on the nation’s general knowledge of Europe, especially amongst those under 45 years old whose prime years of travel are most effected by the current economic climate.

When questioned, over 40 per cent of people didn’t know that Russia was a European country and a further 31 per cent of people thought that Iceland fell outside of Europe too. A third of those surveyed couldn’t name the countries that make up the Benelux and almost one in ten didn’t know that the Berlin Wall was located in Germany.

When it comes to foreign currency the nation is equally challenged, with one in five Brits unable to recognise the Polish Zloty as a European tender and one in ten believing that Lev, the Leu and the Krona didn’t qualify as European currency either.

Almost half of the nation can’t speak a European language. And, of those who do, French is by far the most popular with 31 per cent being fluent in the language of love compared to just 12 per cent that speak German and a mere nine per cent who can speak Spanish.

Huw added: “We’d also challenge people to look outside of the more obvious ‘budget’ sector where certain airlines or networks will dictate which destinations you’ll be able to access. There are plenty of other options available on the market; many of which offer great value for money and a chance to venture off the beaten track, or a specific holiday resort, to experience more of what that location has to offer.

“There’s only so much you can learn from reading books and travel guides. Experiencing a country, and its cultures, first hand is one of the most valuable and memorable ways of truly taking in a destination and we’d encourage anyone wanting to know more about Europe to go and experience it for themselves,” she said.

Have you been to on holiday in Europe recently, or going this summer? Tell us all about it below or tweet us @FemaleFirst_UK


Shabana Adam @Shabana_FAM

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