NOTE: Spoilers

Freddie Highmore plays Norman Bates

Now that Bates Motel has closed its doors on another season, we can't wait to see just what is in store when the cast return for a third next year.

This time round though we discovered a lot more about Norman Bates as he continued to spiral out of control reaching some of his lowest points so far and coming to the realisation that he's capable of murder - that is before he was convinced otherwise in the fantastic season finale.

Casting has never been so perfect. Freddie Highmore does incredibly well weaving between the loveable son who adores his mother to the creepy teenager who's going into adulthood with some serious baggage.

Vera Farmiga stuns as Norma Bates

Vera Farmiga is another gem. The way she can flick the switch and explode in a fit of rage before breaking down into an emotional wreck is acting beyond much of what I've seen in the past. The viewer is left wondering whether Norma is being true to herself or emotionally manipulating those around her - everything is left open for interpretation and it's that which allows her to have such fun with the character.

Max Thieriot as Dylan Massett

Then there's Max Thieriot and Olivia Cooke who are so likeable and push their characters Dylan and Emma to the very limits. We want to root for both of them and see them succeed but when they're in a town that's laced with so much poison trickling down from those in higher authority, we can't help but worry about their future.

Olivia Cooke is Emma Decody

What has been exciting this season is the conflict in the relationship between mother and son. We've not seen Norman so angry with Norma in the past and there were real moments we thought the blackouts could take over and he might bring her life to an end.

We were also left feeling satisfied when Norma and Dylan found they could put their differences aside and go forward with a hope to enjoy their relationship rather than harbour disdain for one another.

Twists and turns came time after time but felt believable every step of the way, and as the fictional town of White Pine Bay became more and more of a real place - thick with characters who all have their own secrets - I couldn't help but be consumed and engrossed during every second.

Bates Motel season 2 comes to DVD and Blu-ray on October 13.

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