Peter Capaldi

Peter Capaldi

William Hartnell kicked off proceedings in 1963 as the first ever Doctor, and served until 1966.

Patrick Troughton was the first product of an on-screen regeneration, and he was in the role of Who from 1966 to 1969.

Jon Pertwee's truly one of a kind and he proved that in his stint as Doctor from 1970 to 1974.

Tom Baker served as the Doctor for the longest period to date, from 1974 all the way up to 1981, and is one of the most popular choices in Who history.

Alas, the time did come for Tom Baker to hang up his Tardis, and Peter Davison was there to replace him from 1982 to 1984.

Colin Baker probably didn't expect to be heading to the Australian jungle for a reality show a few decades after heading the show in 1984 to 1986.

Sylvester McCoy then stepped out to try his hand with a sonic screwdriver from 1987 to 1989.

'Doctor Who' then took a break, until Paul McGann was brought to life in a 1996 film, and then transformed this year in a mini-episode released just last week to John Hurt!

Christopher Eccleston reignited the brand when in 2005 the series was picked up once more by the BBC.

He only lasted a year until Scottish David Tennant took on one of the biggest roles of his career, from 2005 to 2010, and instantly became a hit with the fans.

Tennant left the show in 2010, and replacing him was none other than current Doctor Matt Smith. We know Peter Capaldi is taking the reigns very soon as the 12th (or should that now be 13th?) Doctor, and we can't wait to see what he has to offer.

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