Ric operates on Cassidy and after telling Michael he doesn’t need his assistance, an emergency occurs as he discovers a retroperitoneal hematoma, which bursts. With some persuasion from Ric, Abra jumps in and saves Cassidy. Lola and Jayne are not impressed with Ric’s actions, but Jayne agrees to give Abra one more chance and hires him again.

Lady Byrne and Elliot have been preoccupied trying to arrange a charity fundraiser. After coming up with endless inappropriate ideas, Elliot finally finds one, which is perfect, delighting Lady Byrne. In a moment of excitement and spontaneity, Lady Byrne and Elliot kiss briefly just as Connie enters the room. They are embarrassed and Connie leaves grinning, silently.

Alex decides to tell Simon everything and explains that she had a child when very young, but gave her away. She had given birth to her on the floor of a public toilet and called her Rosie. Maria listens from across the room and becomes emotional and leaves. She does however realise this is not the right time to tell Alex who she is and so just leaves her a single rose with a note saying “Your daughter would be proud”.

After bonding with Kyla, Daren cheers up even more when one of his foster brothers arrives. Kyla is shocked to see it is her son, Max. Kyla is delighted to see him but he keeps his distance. Kyla tries to question them about their foster mum but Max doesn’t want to talk and just says she’s a good person and better than she was to him. Kyla is hurt and Daren becomes upset saying that everyone he meets who is nice, always ends up leaving. Max up and leaves but is clearly in pain. Kyla, knowing he is diabetic, worries he is not eating or taking his medication properly, but can do nothing. Max later collapses in the stairwell and Kyla panics when she and Michael find Max having a fit on the floor.