Extreme Male Beauty

Extreme Male Beauty

Journalist and skinny fat bloke, Tim Shaw, continues his battle with the bulge as he attempts to transform himself from Mr Blobby to Mr Buff in just eight weeks.


Having already spent two weeks attempting to increase the size of his pecs, and another two his penis, in tonight’s show he investigates the holy grail of the male physique – the perfect six pack.

Tim sits in on the very latest abdominal liposculpture procedure when fat is literally whisked up underneath the abdomen before being sucked out.  The aim? to give you an instant six-pack.  Gruesome? Tim thinks so, and he has to leave the operating theatre for fear of being sick.

Tim decides to try less invasive means of getting the perfect abs and tests out the gadgets meant to give you a wash board stomach. For two weeks he tries out an electro stimulator with literally shocking results.

Tim also finds out how important getting a six pack is to the average man as he hangs out with a bunch of guys in the all male preserve of the locker room.

35 year old flabby cabbie Anthony Hall is trapped in a body he despises.  Left with masses of overhanging skin after losing an incredible nineteen stone, he is desperate to lose the flab and look more like his Bond hero Daniel Craig.

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