Sue Nicholls didn't realise Coronation Street's 10,000th episode was coming up until she read the script.

Sue Nicholls

Sue Nicholls

The 76-year-old soap stalwart - who has played Audrey Roberts on the ITV show since 1979 - was surprised to read all about a nostalgic hour-long special, and had to ask producers what it was all about.

She said: "I hadn't realised until we all got the scripts and said, 'What's this about?'. I had to be told and said, 'Oh my God, how do you know exactly?'

"It's nice, it's just a little view into the world that was, that still is, and that is to come. And drama.

"There's nobody shot, nobody is pushed out of the bus."

The special - which airs on Friday (07.02.20) - will see Audrey head to Blackpool with several other cobbles residents, including Ken Barlow (Bill Roache), to scatter Rita Tanner's (Barbara Knox) husband Dennis' ashes.

Audrey has been in plenty of romances in Weatherfield over the years, most notably her marriage to Alf Roberts (Bryan Mosley), and Sue admits it felt "strange" when the characters were initially put together.

She said: "Initially, to get them together seemed a strange thing to do, but I thank God and everybody else, because it was the most wonderful partnership.

"Thanks to him. Great fun, another giggler, who you wouldn't have thought. A wonderful giggler, terrible.

"I loved those days."

And she won't rule out a romance with another 'Corrie' legend.

Asked by Lorraine Kelly if Audrey could ever hook up with Ken, Sue said: "He's [Ken's] quite a goer underneath that charm. How lucky would I be? I don't know what's being written as we speak.

"I'll pass it on upstairs.

"Audrey has been very lucky, as the years have gone by."

Sue joked that Lorraine should feel "safe" because she had locked up Audrey's daughter Gail Rodwell (Helen Worth) after the character shot Lorraine with a bow and arrow when the TV presenter made a 'Corrie' cameo last year.

Speaking on 'Lorraine' from the Weatherfield set, she said: "I want you to feel safe, because I know you recently appeared in the show and Gail was a bit harsh."

Lorraine joked: "It was quite traumatic coming back here quite frankly."

Sue added: "You're OK, because I've locked her in her dressing room and I've taken away all the spears."