Lloyd Daniels

Lloyd Daniels

Lloyd Daniels is the latest singer to crack under the pressure of The X factor after threatening to quit the show after judge Louis Walsh declared he should have been voted off instead of Jedward.

Okay, so I love Lloyd, and I think he’s a delicious little tyke but it is about time he left the show… he’s not the best singer and nowhere near as entertaining as Jedward were, so I begrudgingly see Louis’ point.

According to sources thought, Lloyd told producers backstage; "I'm going, I can’t carry on." After the nasty comments got too much for the little lad to handle - goodness knows how he thinks he’ll cope in the ‘real’ music industry if he went on to win.

Luckily his mentor Cheryl Cole and his X factor pals managed to cheer him up and convince him to stay, but do YOU think Lloyd should have left instead of Jedward?

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison

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