Makosi Musambasi

Makosi Musambasi

So how do you feel about returning back to the BB house after 5 years?

I still can’t believe it. More so then the first time round, because the first time round you go to auditions, you hope you make it. You’re over-whelmed when you do but then it’s not unbelievable. So when they picked me it this time it was why me? It’s a very humbling experience.

When I did BB for the first time I had a lot fun but also ups and downs so I never thought I would be asked to do it again.

So do you not feel you are worthy of being an Ultimate Big Brother contender?

There have been over 200 housemates in the past and having watched them back there are so good contestants. I do feel extremely blessed to be asked to do it. I didn’t expect the call.

Do you think it will be very different from the first time?

I think it will be quite different. It’s only 17 or so days and there are so many intensely fantastic housemates to pick from. I can imagine it is going to be chaotic and everyone will want to be the ultimate winner. Nobody is going in there thinking I just want to hang out with people. I’m not going in to make friends. But I do hope I met some old friends in there.

So what you do you hope to get it out of this time?

Well the first time was fantastic but this time is a dream really. I really think I am going to wake up it feels so much like a dream.

Do you think Big Brother is harder on housemates now?

The thing is about BB it can not be harder or easier. The concept of BB is reality TV. When people go in with a game plan, it is impossible to go in with a successful one. I don’t think it as harder or easier, I’m just extremely excited.

Is there anyone you don’t want to see in the house with you?

You have people like Brian Belo. There are so many intelligent and bright people – with manners. None of which he has. He is someone that personality wise I would have nothing to say to. Nikki Grahame - she throws so many tantrums.

Anyone you would like to see join the house?

Jermaine Jackson, John McCrirrick, Brian Dowling, he seems nice, Michelle Bass she’s a lovely girl would be pleasant to bump into her

Is there anything you wouldn’t do in the Big Brother house?

I am risk taker, but I would freak out feeding chickens or anything grubby. I would freak out but not pull out. I don’t like slimy stuff it makes me cry. But there’s nothing I would not do.

Are the viewers going to see anything from you that they didn’t see the first time?

If there was something you missed the first time I don’t think you were concentrating. Because I was in the house for three months you saw everything. There are many faces of Makosi. I have my naughty side, and shy side. There is a diva and a child in there too. Oh no I said I wasn’t going to speak about myself in the third person again!

There have been a lot of pranks and mischief in this house this year – will you get along with that?

Well Makosi is mischievous. I do have a mind of a three year old. So I am game. But I don’t like to be punked.

Who out of the 5 Big Brother 11 finalists would you like to stay?

Josie –  I think she is a nice girl. She stands up for people but she’s not into picking fights. She dealt with Sam really well. If I was been conniving I would not pick her as she is the biggest competition. I don’t like how John James treated her – I felt that he used her. And I would tell her. He knew the only way he would stay in there was being with her, but she is not his type.

So who do you believe is the Ultimate Housemate?

The brightest thing to say is me. I am lucky enough to be list and think I have a good chance.

So do you think you should have won?

A paper wrote the article ‘Makosi is an actress’ two days before the final I think that did it for me. It was on the Sun’s front cover and I think that mattered. If it wasn’t that article then why didn’t I win? People are not going to vote for someone who they think might be an actress, I wouldn’t.


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