Michelle Bass

Michelle Bass

How does it feel to be going back in the house?

Well I’m nervous and excited to go back in. I think I won’t quite believe it ‘til I’m in there, and then I’ll be like Oh my god here I am again. It’s been six years, and I’ve watched every year since mine. Big Brother 11 has just been something else!  I’m sad that it’s ending.

Why do you think you were chosen to be part of Ultimate Big Brother?

I am quite shocked, first of all to be asked, and then to be chosen.  What are the chances? I don’t know why, probably because I stuck in peoples minds and I did involve myself in a lot of stuff last time because I do like to be in the middle of the action.

What made you decide to go back?

It’s not often that a once in a lifetime opportunity comes around twice! I’m going in for the fun of it. Seeing that Nadia’s in there, Brian Dowling’s in there, these are two people that when we get together we have such a laugh and that’s what I want to do. I remember in my year we would just laugh and laugh and have such fun and that’s what I’m looking forward to.

Which of the housemates in the house do you know?

I do have a connection with Makosi on a spiritual, thoughtful level and I get on with Nikki quite well.

When you were in Big Brother 5 viewers saw you seduce Stuart and your relationship, as you’re now engaged what will viewers see of you without a romance to follow?

Well I’m older and wiser, I’m not a completely different person but I’ve got a lot more life experience. I’ll be quite different from how I was last time. I don’t  regret anything from last time but lets just say I can’t watch it without cringing! I was 23 and I felt like I liked a guy and I was trapped in that house so of course it all became about him, that’s a natural scenario for a young couple just started going out with each other.

The difference is on the outside when you start seeing someone you can walk away for a bit, date, when you’re in the Big Brother house you don’t have any of that.

So I’m not going to be chasing a guy round like before so you’ll see more of my personality. That’s going to be the biggest difference. I would have been an excellent housemate if I didn’t have him to run around after. 

So do you empathise with Josie over John James?

I completely understand! Nadia should have said nothing, I understand why Nadia is saying what she did but she shouldn’t have said anything. And John was saying it as well, when I go in there if she’s still there I think I’ll reassure her a bit. I completely understand how she feels.

Is there anyone in the house you think you won’t get on with?

John McCririck and Coolio. John just makes me feel sick; he makes me think of stained underpants. He reminds me of stained under pants, you know slightly yellow.  And Coolio I thought he was alright but Josie coined it actually that he’s a proper w*****r.

Is there anything Big Brother could try and make you do that you would hate?

I’m a game player, I’m not going to go in there and start trashing the house, I’ll play by the rules I’ll do the tasks I’ll play along with them, but my worst one is anything with fish guts because I’m vegetarian. I’m scared they’re going to ask me to do something with fish guts. I’ve been vegetarian since I was four and it won’t just be fish guts it’ll be fish guts and my puke, that’s what will happen.

My favourite task of all time was the BB6 box task, it was the best ever. It was just so funny, them speaking and all you see is the box with their face on. It was just really funny.

Who do you think is the Ultimate Big Brother housemate?

Brian Dowling. I think he’s one of the most talented housemate that there’s ever been. He’s likeable, he’s friendly, he’s hilariously funny, and I like him a lot.

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