Nadia Almada

Nadia Almada

So Nadia, Winner of BB5, how do you feel about going back in?

I’m very excited and elated to be chosen, and looking forward to seeing the other guys and the faces that we’ve grown to love and hate and see where they are now, see if they’re the same old wacky personalities. I would love to see growth in everyone.

I want to have fun. I need a holiday so this is my little holiday. I think I’ve matured, I’m older, wiser but never dull I’m still fabulous darling!  I’m more comfortable within myself.

How do you think your Big Brother experience will be different this time now that you don’t have such a big secret to worry about?

The acceptance in that time made me a strong individual and now I do not fear anything. This time I feel very focused and determined and in a good place. This time I want to give back to my fans who were so kind to me and made me what I am today.

Do you think you could be the Ultimate Big Brother housemate?

I am already!  Of course I would like to be, there’s a lot of ego’s going in there everyone’s going to be fighting to get that title. Would I like to win and have the acknowledgement of the nation and have the seal of approval? Yes I would love that.

How different do you think it’s going to be this time round?

I hope this time it is more of a celebration, with the ending of an era.

Are we still going to see you showering in your heels and a new Lipgloss Bitches crew?

I think I’ve moved on from Lipgloss Bitches crew. Showering in the heels? Yes of course! A bit of pole dancing if they give me one! The usual stuff, I’m still the same but I’ve opened my eyes a little bit more.

Do you think Big Brother is tougher now?

Our year was really tough, we had evil Big Brother. That was the toughest of them all by miles, and I think Big Brother has become soft in its old age. Josie is the obvious winner of this series, although there’s not been anyone who’s had a journey this year.

John James I don’t understand, I think he really doesn’t like women at all. Dave I cannot stand the whole bible bashing thing. I don’t like him. He makes my skin crawl. If I’d been in the house with John James I would have locked the fire exit door when he left the first time.

So you want Josie to join you in the house?

I think she is the only possibility. I doubt she will stay long. I’m gonna welcome her to the family but then out of the door, this is not about you any more darling!

Who would you like in the house with you?

I’m open to anyone, when it comes to who I don’t want in the house I can be more vocal about that! Pete Burns for one because I think I would be so scared of him, his tongue lashing and bitchiness I couldn’t stand that. John McCririck I think is also disgusting, a sexist pig, how dare he treat women in such primitive and sexist ways as he does. The Preston and Chantelle they make me sick they’re so vulgar! They’re fake all over. I hope I’m proved wrong.

Do you like the Tree of Temptation?

I hate the Tree of Temptation because he’s obscene, another vulgar person. I do not like or tolerate such behaviour!

Are you taking cigarettes into the house?

Yes I’m taking 200 and two extra tobacco bags just in case. I’m not struggling again in my life! I’m just going to come out grey! I actually gave up smoking three months ago, I swear I did, but because of this it’s my trademark and I can’t let go out of!

Speaking of trademarks what outfits are you taking in?

The usual, slutty and stuff. Legs and boobies are always a must. I’m representing the curvaceous bigger woman these days so you have to enhance your best bits and my best bits are my smile, my breasts and my legs.

Who do you think should be the Ultimate Big Brother housemate?

I think everyone who has gone through this experience is worthy and deserving of this title.  But I’ve got a huge ego so I want it for me! It would be an honour, it’s like winning an Olympic gold medal for your sport, and I think that’s what it is like. I wanna win the gold medal singing the national anthem.

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